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Business Consulting

Professional Business Consulting services in Polish, Spanish, English, and Lithuanian. Start or expand your business in Poland, Spain, USA, and/or Lithuania!

Business Consulting:

How to Expand Your Business Internationally

What is Business Consulting and how can it contribute to the success of your business abroad

A company or individual can use the services of a business consultant when they consider starting a new business in, or expanding an existing business beyond the borders of their own country to, another country whose language they do not know. Or simply want to buy or sell products or services internationally.

Language barrier and unfamiliarity with foreign markets can effectively kill a potentially profitable business. It is impossible to expand a business internationally without at least some knowledge of the target market and adequate market research. 

Is it is still possible to find a niche for oneself and become a success story in such an oversaturated market as we now have?   

At some point every businessperson must have confronted this question when thinking about starting a new business or expanding to foreign markets. The answer is: YES, it is possible to find or create a niche in any industry. IT, hotel, food and beverage, finances, healthcare, whichever industry you can think about. The key behind success is using the ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ as opposed to the ‘Red Ocean Strategy’ (Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant by W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne).

For those, who are nor familiar with these marketing terms, the Blue Ocean Strategy, one that is very motivating and full of opportunities, can be compared to being the only fisherman in an ocean full of fish, while the Read Ocean Strategy, aggressive and full of blood, is like competing with thousands or millions of fishermen in an ocean with only a very small number of fish there to catch. A Blue Ocean – once you get there – offers new opportunities for profit and even rapid growth in a market with no, or very few, competitors.

Red Ocean Strategy vs. Blue Ocean Strategy

Compete in existing market space. Create uncontested market space.
Beat the competition. Make the competition irrelevant.
Exploit existing demand. Create and capture new demand.
Make the value-cost trade-off. Break the value-cost trade-off.
Align the whole system of a firm’s activities with its strategic choice of differentiation or low cost. Align the whole system of a firm’s activities in pursuit of differentiation and low cost.

Familiarising yourself with a foreign market 


conducting adequate market research 

makes it possible to

create new demand

in an uncontested market space abroad.

This applies to any industry without exception.

Why do you need to be aware of what is going on in your industry and what are your competitors are doing?

If you plan to go global and expand your business to another country or start a new business abroad, it is absolutely crucial that you first assess the competitive landscape to have a strong sense of who is targeting the same potential customers as you, what resources your competitors have at their disposal and the bases on which they intend to compete, i.e. product features, service quality, price, focus, etc. There is little sense in entering a market with an unknown brand if the space is already occupied by a behemoth with a well-known brand, brilliant product, solid distribution channel, and ample marketing resources.

I provide business consulting services in Poland, Spain, the U.S., and Lithuania. I have lived a considerable amount of time in each of these countries, and I have first-hand experience doing business there. Here goes a list of potential scenarios in which you could benefit from my business consulting services:

Examples of My Business Consulting Work:

    • Assisting a Polish client with buying motor boats in Spain.
    • Assisting a Spanish client with buying agricultural land in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Germany.
    • Assisting a Polish client with buying peat moss for a blueberry plantation in Lithuania.

Recomiendo a la Señorita Magdalena en una forma muy especial... Es una traductora e intérprete muy altamente capacitada, que va más allá de los servicios lingüísticos, tiene capacidades de negociación e habilidades interpersonales increíbles... Es una persona muy eficaz y dedicada completamente a su trabajo. Ha sido un gusto haber podido trabajar contigo, Magdalena… Has ayudado mucho a mi empresa, y te estamos muy agradecidos.

José M. (España),

Pani Magda tłumaczyła dla nas podczas kilku bardzo ważnych spotkań biznesowych i negocjacji z przedstawicielami zagranicznych firm, m.in. hiszpańskiego giganta Grupo Intercom (w językach hiszpańskim i angielskim). Tłumaczka wywarła na mnie ogromne wrażenie, posiada olbrzymią wiedzę i jest bardzo profesjonalna i rzetelna. Mogę ją polecić z czystym sumieniem.

Dominik Tomczyk (Polska),

Sound interesting? Let’s schedule our first call to discuss how I can help you with business consulting services!


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