«Si construyes una gran experiencia, los clientes lo recomendarán a otros. El boca a boca es muy poderoso».
― Jeff Bezos
«Si construyes una gran experiencia, los clientes lo recomendarán a otros. El boca a boca es muy poderoso».
― Jeff Bezos
Magda worked with me for one year and half in a content creation project for a financial brand. During all this time, she produced a huge amount of high quality Polish articles, always with a precise and accurate style and exceeding the expectations. Besides, she proved her multitasking capabilities, managing several assignments at the same time, and excelling in providing a really good service. To sum up, if you are looking for a top performing writer, translator or interpreter, you should count on her. You’ll never regret it!
Gema Diego Sánchez,
Journalist at Súmate Marketing Online, Web Content and Inbound Marketing
It is my immense pleasure to recommend Magdalena Baranowska. She has collaborated for Intercom Empresas (Grupo Intercom, Barcelona based venture capital firm) as a Content Editor for almost 1 year and we are completely satisfied with the work provided by her. I consider Magdalena Baranowska to be a confident worker, and a highly versatile, patient and motivated person, with strong ability to learn. I feel confident that she will succeed in her future jobs. It is for these reasons that I strongly recommend Magdalena Baranowska without reservation.
Toni Montenegro Saiz,
Content Manager at Intercom Empresas – Grupo Intercom
La traductora Magdalena Baranowska cumple perfectamente con los objetivos marcados. Es eficiente, rápida y cumplidora con los plazos. Sus traducciones no necesitan correcciones adicionales.
Alejandro Mardjanian Petrosian,
Director General en Tuam Consulting
Pani Magda tłumaczyła dla nas podczas kilku bardzo ważnych spotkań biznesowych i negocjacji z przedstawicielami zagranicznych firm, m.in. hiszpańskiego giganta Grupo Intercom (w językach hiszpańskim i angielskim). Tłumaczka wywarła na mnie ogromne wrażenie, posiada olbrzymią wiedzę i jest bardzo profesjonalna i rzetelna. Mogę ją polecić z czystym sumieniem.
Dominik Tomczyk (Polska),
Empresa Euros Traducciones certifica que la Srta. Magdalena Baranowska ha colaborado en diversas ocasiones con EUROS TRADUCCIONES como Intérprete y Traductora de Lituano y Polaco. La Srta. Magdalena Baranowska ha demostrado una gran profesionalidad y experiencia. Su relación con la Dirección del Centro ha sido excelente.
Olga María Jáñez Martínez,
Responsable de la Empresa Euros Traducciones
Recomiendo a la Señorita Magdalena en una forma muy especial... Es una traductora e intérprete muy altamente capacitada, que va más allá de los servicios lingüísticos, tiene capacidades de negociación e habilidades interpersonales increíbles... Es una persona muy eficaz y dedicada completamente a su trabajo. Ha sido un gusto haber podido trabajar contigo, Magdalena… Has ayudado mucho a mi empresa, y te estamos muy agradecidos.
José M. (España),
Pani Magdalena Baranowska uczestniczyła jako specjalista w dziedzinie języka hiszpańskiego w projekcie lingwistyczno-informatycznym prowadzonym przez Samsung R&D Institute Poland. Swoimi kompetencjami merytorycznymi, jak również zaangażowaniem w realizację wspomnianego projektu, przyczyniła się do rozwoju innowacyjnych produktów i usług firmy Samsung. Ze względu na satysfakcjonujące wykonywanie powierzonych zadań, Pani Magdalena Baranowska zasłużyła sobie na pozytywną ocenę bezpośrednich i dalszych przełożonych.
Karol Świetlik,
Starszy Koordynator Projektów Lingwistycznych w Samsung Electronics Polska
It is a pleasure to write a letter on behalf of Magdalena Baranowska. Ms. Baranowska joined the faculty in Hispanic Studies at Brown University in September 2012. From my perspective, from the beginning Ms. Baranowska has shown a special ability to adapt and adjust to a new setting. She is very prepared for class, seeks to understand students and goes out of her way to facilitate students’ learning. She seems very attentive to students’ needs, their difficulties, and their strong and weak aspects, and acts quickly when she sees that teacher’s intervention is needed to secure student support. She comes to us with much training in English and Spanish Philology, and ample training and experience in translation and interpretation. Her studies have included courses in pedagogy and methodology, as well as courses in cultural mediation. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in Languages and Cultures in Contact and is very interested in language pedagogy and language instruction. She has received several awards for excellence in teaching as well as scholarships. From my conversations with her, her intelligent questions and her genuine concern with students’ learning, I am positive that she is a promising instructor and this combined with her pleasant personality and quiet demeanor, makes Ms. Baranowska a desirable candidate in any department dedicated to Literature, Culture and Language.
Nidia Schuhmacher,
Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Brown University
It is a pleasure to write recommending Magdalena Baranowska, an excellent Spanish teacher and interpreter with whom I had the pleasure to work during the spring of 2013. She represents an exemplary balance between teaching acumen and proven linguistic ability that complements her hard work and willingness to assist in her community. Below, permit me go into more detail as to why I recommend her to you so enthusiastically. I first came to appreciate Magdalena’s abilities in the fall of 2012 when she first came to work as a Teaching Associate in the Department of Hispanic Studies at Brown University —where I am a Visiting Lecturer. When I met her 1 was very impressed not only by her enthusiasm but her multiple language skills and teaching competencies. She proved since the very beginning of the school year to be trustful professional and an admirable hard worker. During the spring semester of 2013 I had the great opportunity to work closely with Miss Baranowska. She was assigned by the Department of Hispanic Studies to assist me as a writing aid for my students of the survey of Spanish Literature that 1 taught. The course was designed to read and comprehend a wide range of authors and major works of Spanish Peninsular Literature from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century. Magdalena met with students regularly to help them improve their academic writing abilities since they had to tum in three papers during the semester. All of my students that met her for help were not only very happy with the results, but especially confident about the skills that Magdalena passed on to them. Magdalena is an ideal candidate for any Spanish department. Also, I think you would find in her a collegial and generous member of a community. She is engaging and inclusive in conversation and discussion, and is the first to make sure that everyone is comfortable and at ease.
José Ramón Ortíz,
Visiting Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Brown University
En calidad de profesora titular de literatura y cultura norteamericana de la Universidad de Salamanca, es un placer recomendar a Magdalena Baranowska. Da Magdalena Baranowska ha sido estudiante mía en la licenciatura de Filología inglesa, donde ha demostrado que se trata de un alumna excelente, siempre ávida de conocimiento y de profundizar tanto en los contenidos como en los paradigmas críticos discutidos en clase. Se trata de una pensadora analítica e independiente, que conoce plenamente lo que significa la ética del trabajo. A su capacidad intelectual me gustaría añadir su madurez emocional, su impecable hábito de trabajo, su responsabilidad, y su respeto hacia profesores y demás alumnos. Por todas estas razones, es un placer para mi poder recomendar a Magdalena Baranowska para cualquier puesto de responsabilidad educativa o investigadora. No me cabe ninguna duda de que superará con creces cualquier expectativa académica pues se trata de una candidata óptima.
Ana Ma Manzanas,
Vicedecana de Relaciones Internacionales, Facultad de Filología Coordinadora del Doctorado en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contacto, Profesora Titular de Estudios Ingleses en la Universidad de Salamanca
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation in support of Magdalena Baranowska. I worked with Magdalena as Teaching Fellow Supervisor of Intermediate Spanish II during the spring of 2013. Magdalena’s commitment, reliability, and professionalism made her an invaluable asset to students and fellow instructors alike. I have no doubt that she would quickly become an integral part of any Hispanics department. Magdalena joined the Hispanic Studies faculty in September 2012 as a Visiting Teaching Associate, and I had the chance to collaborate with her professionally during the following semester. Magdalena was one of three TA’s in HISP400, a second-semester intermediate course designed to move students to a more sophisticated level of understanding and expression through vocabulary enrichment, more accurate manipulation of verb tenses and moods, and sharpening of communicative skills within the domains of grammar, literature, and culture. Instructor meetings were always rewarding and productive, as Magdalena regularly contributed original activities and PowerPoint presentations with grammar instruction and practice. Whether we were discussing the subjunctive or The Motorcycle Diaries, Magdalena was eager to share material that revealed expertise in a student-centered model of language instruction based on logically-sequenced communicative tasks. Magdalena was clearly comfortable in the role of leader and innovator during our TA meetings, and her collegiality added much to the course. Magdalena was originally assigned two sections of HISP400; however, one of the sections was closed due to insufficient enrollment, and Magdalena was asked to assist with two literature survey courses as a writing tutor. While I was not directly involved with this latter course, I believe this sudden change of dudes merits mention as it supposed an increased workload for Magdalena, who now had to prepare for one course and make herself available for tutoring and instruction for two sections of a second course as well. Despite any inconvenience this may have caused, Magdalena immediately opened lines of communication with the instructors of the literature course to ask how she could best assist them, and she remained equally committed and available to students of both courses throughout the semester. Given the aforementioned it is my sincere belief that Magdalena would successfully fill a teaching position at any university, and I am pleased to offer my most enthusiastic recommendation on behalf of my esteemed colleague.
Bryan Betancur,
Graduate Teaching Assistant in Hispanic Studies at Brown University
Magdalena is highly intelligent, mature beyond her years, and enthusiastically dedicated to learning everything she can about the American and English, as well as Spanish and Latin American language, literature, and civilization. She possesses a thirst for knowledge and a work ethic found in very few graduate students. Her Honors and GPA, multiple, successful academic experiences, and her demonstrated excellence in English and Spanish all attest to the fact that Magdalena is an exceptional graduate student. At no time is Magdalena ever satisfied with her growing English and Spanish proficiency or her impressively high grades. She always looks to improve and learn more. She has chosen to move to the U.S. and teach Spanish to graduate and undergraduate students at the prestigious Brown University. As a result of her hard work, high intelligence, and life’s experience, Magdalena is truly multilingual and multicultural.
Mª Eugenia Díaz Sánchez,
Tenured Professor at the University of Salamanca
Korzystam z usług Magdy od ponad 2 lat i mogę ją z czystym sumieniem polecić. Wszechstronnie wykształcona, profesjonalna, rzetelna i bardzo dokładna tłumacz. Podejmuje się trudnych zleceń i pracuje w bardzo szybkim tempie. Współpracę oceniam na szóstkę z plusem 🙂
Rafał J. Hirsch (USA),
Excellent service. Highly recommended!
Chris Thompson,
W imieniu swoim, mojego narzeczo... ymm męża 🙂 oraz gości dziękujemy Pani bardzo za wspaniałe tłumaczenie, ale też za Pani obecność, uprzejmość, otwartość oraz życzliwość!
Julia Bezdil (Londyn, Wielka Brytania),
Ms Magdalena Baranowska participated as a Spanish language specialist in the linguistic - IT project organized by Samsung R&D Institute Poland. Her substantial competence as well as involvement in accomplishment of above mentioned project contributed to the development of innovative products and services created by Samsung Company. Considering satisfactory realization of charged tasks Ms Magdalena Baranowska deserves the positive note of her immediate and other superiors.
Karol Świetlik,
Senior Linguistic Projects Coordinator at Samsung Electronics Polska
Since 2010, Magdalena Baranowska cooperates with and works as a freelance translator/interpreter for the company Dualia Teletraducciones SL, a company which offers over-the-phone interpretaron Services focused on social and health sectors. Most representative clients assisted by Magdalena Baranowska:
Diego Antonio Ramírez Dávila,
President at Dualia Teletraducciones SL
Magdalena Baranowska has cooperated with Video Interpretations LLC on several interpretation projects. She has interpreted for several hospitals and Law Enforcement agencies in the USA, primarily in the state of Wisconsin, via our proprietary videoconferencing software. She is very dependable and conscientious interpreter. Her professionalism is impeccable. She has completed all of the tasks with utmost accuracy and precision. Magdalena has always completed the assigned interpretations in the indicated time and has met all the deadlines. She is a professional Polish/English, Spanish/English and Lithuanian/English translator and interpreter. I would recommend hiring Magdalena for any translation or interpretation project.
J. Mitchell Parker,
President at Video Interpretations LLC
It is our pleasure to provide this reference on behalf of Miss MAGDALENA BARANOWSKA. Miss Baranowska has collaborated with this school as a translator from March 2010 to present. Miss Baranowska possesses special expertise in subjects such as legislation and technical documentation. She is very hard-working, qualified and motivated professional. The accuracy of her translations and the ability to work under deadline pressure deserve a special mentioning. I would also like to remark on her excellent relations with colleagues. I can without hesitation recommend Miss Baranowska for any translation job or any position that requires in-depth knowledge of Polish, Spanish and Lithuanian.
Isabel Badillo Matos,
President at Europa Idiomas, Language School
Rewelacyjna Pani tłumacz języka hiszpańskiego. Jedna z najlepszych, z jakimi miałem okazję współpracować. Doskonale radzi sobie w stresujących sytuacjach. Polecam.
M. Hajdo (Polska),
Magdalena was selected for the position of Lecturer of Spanish in our department from a broad and deep pool of applicants. Her background as a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Salamanca (Spain) provided her with excellent training in Spanish language, literature, and culture, which she has successfully taught in our department. Indeed, to date, she has taught 200-level Spanish courses (Spanish 201 and 202) and key courses in grammar and composition (Spanish 301), and Spanish Conversation for Professionals (Spanish 303B). The latter is a difficult course to teach given that most faculty are not trained in this area and there is a lack of appropriate materials. Undaunted, Magdalena often created her own materials for the course, some of which were based on her professional experience as a translator. Other resources she adapted from online formats such as videos, audio segments, games, and other worthy and helpful pieces. Indeed, with respect to teaching at the 200-level, our curriculum utilizes several different multi-media and online formats integrated into the in-class and out-of-class experience. Magdalena is very adept with technology in teaching and quickly was able to not only learn but also master the different tools we were using. Overall, her abilities with computer-aided language learning are very high and she has even sought out additional training through the Center of Excellence in Learning and Teaching by attending relevant workshops. Magdalena came to Iowa State from Brown, a fine institution with a respected undergraduate program in Spanish. Before that, Magdalena was undertaking PHD research in Salamanca. However, Magdalena is eager to improve in all instances. As I am sure she will inform you, she has voluntarily observed others’ classes and invited senior professors into her classroom in an effort to constantly improve. As a whole, Magdalena is a confident, innovative, and dedicated instructor who cares deeply for her students and seeks excellence in their work. We are very pleased to have had the opportunity to work with her.
Chad M. Gasta,
Professor of Spanish and Chair, Director, International Studies Co-Director, Languages and Cultures for Professions (LCP) at Iowa State University of Science and Technology
I am writing to recommend Magdalena Baranowska, a highly qualified Spanish language instructor who is currently a Visiting Teaching Associate (from Salamanca, Spain) in the Department of Hispanic Studies at Brown University. I have served as Magda’s supervisor in Intermediate Spanish II and observed one of her Spanish language classes. I am also supervising Magda in her work as a writing tutor for our introductory Spanish and Latin American literature courses this semester. I have worked closely with Magda throughout the current academic year and feel confident in my assessment of her strengths and abilities. Magda prepares her language classes carefully and readily communicates her enthusiasm for all aspects of Hispanic culture. She typically prepares a logical sequence of activities designed to promote and develop communication skills in Spanish while maintaining student interest and involvement. Never content to simply follow a text or a prescribed curriculum, Magda works to achieve a balance of grammar review, skills development, and class discussion. For the class that I observed, Magda prepared a power-point with several activities to guide her students’ discussion of the film Diarios de moto, scaffolding the exercises carefully in order to include vocabulary review, structured and less structured preterite/imperfect review, and finally more open-ended activities for which students were required to fill in information gaps and negotiate meaning. Students were lively and fully engaged throughout the 80-minute class period. Student evaluations of Magda’s classes give testimony to her talent and dedication, making allusions to her ability to establish a productive and comfortable classroom dynamic and provide all students with the support they need. For her work as a writing tutor and consultant, Magda has provided students with careful written guidelines and she has established a modus operandi that works smoothly and efficiently for over 40 students who meet with her regularly to review their essay drafts. She has been an invaluable asset for our advanced level Spanish students, helping them to structure and support their written arguments and to become aware of grammatical issues that impede their ability to communicate clearly. I know Magdalena Baranowska as a pleasant, hard-working, and responsible young woman who now understands and comfortably navigates the U.S. educational system. Magda will be an asset to any department or program fortunate enough to hire her, and I am pleased to offer my enthusiastic recommendation.
Beth W. Bauer,
Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at Brown University
It is a true pleasure to write in support of Magdalena Baranowska’s application to your institution. I have the pleasure of supervising Magdalena as an instructor of Intermediate Spanish I at Brown University and I know her as an exceptionally strong teacher and colleague. She will be an outstanding teacher in your program and I therefore recommend her most highly. As an undergraduate, Magdalena was highly intelligent, mature beyond her years and enthusiastically dedicated to learning everything she could about the Spanish language and culture. She possessed a thirst for knowledge and a work ethic found in very few undergraduates. At no time was Magdalena ever satisfied with her growing Spanish proficiency or her impressively high grades. Magdalena always looks to improve and learn more! Magdalena’s Honors and GPA, multiple, successful academic experiences and her demonstrated excellence in Spanish (she received a scholarship of collaboration from Salamanca University) all attest to the fact that Magdalena was an exceptional undergraduate and is now an exceptional graduate student. However, Magdalena was not satisfied with her record. Magdalena chose to move to the U.S. and teach as a Teaching Associate. As a result of her hard work, high intelligence and life’s experience, Magdalena is truly multilingual and multicultural. I have taught communicative language pedagogy to Spanish teachers of the English language and bilingual programs in Spain. I currently collaborate with Brown’s Sheridan Center for Teaching Learning as a Teaching Consultant, and I am the Teaching Fellow course supervisor for HISP 300, the course Magdalena instructs. I know that Magdalena Baranowska possesses the intelligence, the maturity and the drive to be a highly successful educator. While participating in your program, she will be an exceptional role model and leader. She will serve as a model of the high quality of your program for others to see. For all these reasons, I most highly recommend Magdalena Baranowska for employment at your institution.
Andrea F. Nate,
Teaching Fellow in Hispanic Studies at Brown University
Magdalena Baranowska was a student of mine at the Master program in Translation and Intercultural Mediation in Professional Environments (The European Master’s in Translation) in the “Legal Translation: English” class carried out at the University of Salamanca between 2009 and 2011. She always showed a great deal of interest in the English language and its implications for translation. Her attitude to her work was always very positive and she contributed to helping to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere so essential to language translation and strategy acquisition. From my experience of her both class and class social activity she mixes well and is a person very charming, kind and considerate. I have no hesitation whatsoever of recommending her for any work involving translation because she has always shown herself to be a very mature, capable and smart person.
Belén López Arroyo,
Associate Professor in English Studies at the University of Valladolid
Es un placer escribir para recomendar a Magdalena Baranowska, una excelente profesora de español e intérprete con quien tuve el placer de trabajar durante la primavera de 2013. Me parece que representa un equilibrio ejemplar entre la habilidad para la enseñanza y la perspicacia de la capacidad lingüística, que además complementa con su trabajo duro y su voluntad de ayudar a la comunidad. A continuación, permítame entrar en más detalles de porqué la recomiendo con entusiasmo. En el otoño de 2012, tuve la primera ocasión que para apreciar las habilidades de Magdalena, cuando llegó por primera vez a trabajar como docente asociada en el Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Brown, donde soy profesor visitante. Cuando la conocí me impresionó no sólo por su entusiasmo, sino también por sus múltiples habilidades lingüísticas, así como por sus competencias docentes. Nos demostró desde el inicio del año escolar que es una profesional admirable. Afortunadamente, durante el semestre de primavera de 2013 tuve la oportunidad de trabajar estrechamente con la señorita Baranowska, ya que el Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos le asignó auxiliar la escritura de los estudiantes de mi curso intensivo de literatura española. Este curso está diseñado como un mapa comprensivo de una amplia variedad de autores y grandes obras de la literatura peninsular española desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo 20. Magdalena se reunió con los estudiantes regularmente para ayudarles a mejorar sus habilidades de escritura académica, ya que tenían que entregar tres ensayos durante el semestre. Todos mis alumnos que buscaron su ayuda, no sólo terminaron muy contentos con los resultados, sino sobre todo ganaron mucha confianza en su trabajo, gracias a las habilidades que obtuvieron de Magdalena. Me parece que Magdalena Baranowska es un candidato ideal para cualquier departamento de español. Además, creo que aparte de una buena profesional, es una persona muy generosa con la comunidad a la que pertenece. Siempre es un placer compartir y debatir con ella, y siempre es la primera en preocuparse por el bienestar de los demás. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo directamente para cualquier comentario adicional que necesite a este respecto.
José Ramón Ortíz,
Profesor Visitante de Estudios Hispánicos en la Universidad Brown
Excellent interpretation service, gives 100% of herself. I highly recommend Magda!
Client (US),
Da. MAGDALENA BARANOWSKA ha realizado con aprovechamiento, durante el curso 2009/2010 las siguientes prácticas formativas de traducción/interpretación: Traducción español-polaco de tres documentos: “Información a víctimas de violencia doméstica y violencia de género”, “Acta de información de derechos al. perjudicado u ofendido” y “Diligencia de protección de datos”.
Francisco Javier Ara Callizo,
General Chief of the Technical Cabinet of the Civil Guard