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Jul, 2017

Andrea F. Nate

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It is a true pleasure to write in support of Magdalena Baranowska’s application to your institution. I have the pleasure of supervising Magdalena as an instructor of Intermediate Spanish I at Brown University and I know her as an exceptionally strong teacher and colleague. She will be an outstanding teacher in your program and I therefore recommend her most highly.

As an undergraduate, Magdalena was highly intelligent, mature beyond her years and enthusiastically dedicated to learning everything she could about the Spanish language and culture. She possessed a thirst for knowledge and a work ethic found in very few undergraduates. At no time was Magdalena ever satisfied with her growing Spanish proficiency or her impressively high grades. Magdalena always looks to improve and learn more! Magdalena’s Honors and GPA, multiple, successful academic experiences and her demonstrated excellence in Spanish (she received a scholarship of collaboration from Salamanca University) all attest to the fact that Magdalena was an exceptional undergraduate and is now an exceptional graduate student.

However, Magdalena was not satisfied with her record. Magdalena chose to move to the U.S. and teach as a Teaching Associate. As a result of her hard work, high intelligence and life’s experience, Magdalena is truly multilingual and multicultural.

I have taught communicative language pedagogy to Spanish teachers of the English language and bilingual programs in Spain. I currently collaborate with Brown’s Sheridan Center for Teaching Learning as a Teaching Consultant, and I am the Teaching Fellow course supervisor for HISP 300, the course Magdalena instructs. I know that Magdalena Baranowska possesses the intelligence, the maturity and the drive to be a highly successful educator. While participating in your program, she will be an exceptional role model and leader. She will serve as a model of the high quality of your program for others to see.

For all these reasons, I most highly recommend Magdalena Baranowska for employment at your institution.

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